First Service (start date January 16, 2020 from 9:10 to 9:55am)


  • Give every member the opportunity of assembling together as we see the day approaching Hebrews 10:25
  • Eliminate feelings and even reality of being sidelined due to health concerns
  • Provide opportunity of fellowship and worship within the sanctuary


  • Disinfection of high contact surfaces before first service starts
  • Prospective attendees may not attend if any of the following are true: cough, fever over 100.4, shortness of breath, unprotected contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or still under CDC quarantine after positive COVID-19 test
  • Temperature check
  • Masks worn at all times; limited surgical masks available upon request.  Those who need exceptions allowed by the CDC, state, or local health department are welcome to attend the second service.
    • Children's Sabbath School teachers may enter the building with a mask.  Children's Sabbath School teachers may take off the mask once they are inside their classroom with the door shut.  The Children's Sabbath School doors must remain shut with the teacher is inside.. 
  • Social distancing required (6 feet)
    • Respect social distancing when moving about church
    • Seating: every other pew, possibly staggered
    • Dismissed by rows to maintain social distancing during exit
  • No handshaking, hugs
  • No passing of the microphone or offering plate


  • First service abbreviated (9:10 to 9:55 am)
  • First service participants will supply volunteers from participants for church service roles
    • Possibly pianist would need to come from first service attendee
  • Only second service is guaranteed to be streamed
  • Guest speakers may not be available for first service (possibly due to mask restrictions)
  • Special programs will take place during the second service


  • 8:45 (Sound system and streaming setup)
  • 9:00 Church open to receive first service attendees (lock the front door with sign for duration of the first service)
  • 9:10 Church first service starts (see First Service Planner)
  • 9:55 Offering collected at door while first service exit (front ramp exit for first service)
  • 10:10 Church now open to receive Sabbath School/second service attendees (those not wearing masks)
  • 10:15 Sabbath School
    • 10:15 Mission story, offering appeal
    • 10:20 Lesson
  • 11:10 Break
  • 11:15 Praise and prayer
  • 11:25 Break
  • 11:30 Church second service starts (see Second Service Planner)
  • 12:30 Offering collected at door

Helpers required (wanted in parenthesis)

  • Speaker
  • Temperature check
  • Musician
  • (Vocalist at end of service)
  • (Prayer, Scripture, offering appeal)
  • (Sound system operator if participation: clean microphones predesignated for participants)

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